Disk 6: How to Conduct Phase II, Age Regression Sessions - Part 1
- Overview of how to conduct an age regression session.
- Discussion of the meaning of terms such as Symptom Producing Events, Subsequent Sensitizing Events and the Initial Sensitizing Event.
- How to conduct an Affect Bridge Age Regression.
- Learn the proper tone of voice to use in your session. When to be dynamic, and when to be soothing.
- Learn how to encourage your clients to proceed with the session when they are reluctant to continue because of having to express emotions, and other reasons.
- Learn when not to do age regression with children.
- Learn how the differentiate between the associated and disassociated state in an age regression session.
- Learn how to confirm that you have found the place where the problem began, the Initial Sensitizing Event.
- Learn how to neutralize the problem generated in the Initial Sensitizing Event using the Informed Child Technique.
- Learn how to get your client to actually revivify (relive the event) during the age regression process.
- Learn the 3 important questions you need to ask during the age regression session to help them to revivify the scene.
- Learn the 5 important questions that you need to ask to get the most important information about any event uncovered in the age regression process.
- Learn about the note taking procedure used to keep track of the important information uncovered.
- Learn what kind of information is not reliable when obtained through age regression.
- Learn how to conduct an age regression session without leading your client and not causing false memories.
- Learn the two versions of the Informed Adult Technique, so that you can ensure that the changed made during the session are transferred to the adult aspect of your client.
- Learn how to test to see if the work you did during the Informed Child Technique was effective during the session, and as you are working with the Subsequent Sensitizing Events.
- Learn how to integrate hypnotic age progression, and have clients previvify future events, setting an expectation for success after the session is completed.
- Recommended practice work is described.
- Plus more insider tips, tricks and techniques.