Disk 4: Overview of 5-PATH® & How to Conduct Phase I Sessions
- Learn the difference between hypnosis and meditation.
- Overview of 5-PATH® .
- Learn what factors determine the number of sessions required to complete the 5-PATH® process.
- Learn about the hyper-suggestible state created by using insight generating hypnosis techniques.
- Learn how much time you should set aside for a direct suggestion session and an age regression session.
- Learn why keeping your client's sessions to a minimum is good for your practice.
- Learn why your clients may benefit by you charging more for your sessions.
- Learn the last suggestion that you should give your client at the ending of a session.
- Learn how to make direct hypnotic suggestions much more powerful.
- Learn why age regression should be done before Parts or Forgiveness work.
- Learn the goal of each phase of 5-PATH® and why the techniques are done in the established order.
- Learn what each phase works with the specific emotions which generate the problem behaviors you are helping your client to overcome.
- Introduction to Secondary Gain and how it prevents most hypnotists from being successful, and why 5-PATHers are successful when Secondary Gain exists.
- How to conduct a Phase I session, which includes all of the client's preparation, testing and convincing.
- When to conclude the session with direct suggestion only, and when you should move on to Phase II during the same hypnosis session.
- How to program to instantly return to the hypnotic state in subsequent sessions.
- Learn the 5-PATHers preferred deepening process.
- Video of a Phase I session demonstrating what has been discussed so far in class.
- Discussion of why you should not use suggestibility tests before a session.
- Discussion of permissive and directive approaches in inducing hypnosis, and conducting the session.
- Discussion of the Phase I video shown in class.
- How to embed an induction within an induction to use it as a brief but effective deepening technique.
- How to create hypnotic suggestions "on the fly" and customize for your clients during a hypnosis session.
- Discussion of how the time distortion convincer was used at the end of the session.
- Discussion of how to use sensitivity to a color to both convince the client that she was hypnotized, and to compound the suggestions that she received during the session.
- Discussion of how to appropriately touch a client during a session and some things you should not do when touching your client.