Disk 20: How and When to Conduct Phase V, Parts Mediation Therapy Sessions, and How to Do the Eight Word Induction.
- Learn how Phase V overcomes Secondary Gain.
- Learn how to determine whether Phase V is appropriate or if you need to return to a previous phase of the work.
- Overview of the Phase V process.
- Learn how to divide the client into a minimum of two different parts, the Self and Part that wants to continue in the problematic behavior even though the cause of the problem has been neutralized.
- Learn how to establish your special role in this process that is of being the Mediator.
- Learn how mediation theory is integrated into the process.
- Learn how to determine the needs, wants and desires for all Parts involved in this process.
- Learn how to separate issues from behavior, and establish how each Part's intent is for the benefit of the client as a whole.
- Watch a role-play that demonstrates how to do the work.
- Learn how to provide your client with the insights necessary to come to a win-win conclusion in the session.
- Learn how to generate alternative behaviors that will fulfill the needs, wants and desires of the client which are acceptable to both Parts.
- Learn how to turn those behaviors into a script that the client will readily accept.
- Learn how to reintegrate the Parts with forgiveness.
- Learn how to segue from this insight generating part of the session to the direct suggestion part of session, by pointing out what the underlying needs were and that it was not necessarily the behavior that was important, and mentioning the benefits of making the change.
- Explanation of why instant inductions work.
- Demonstration of the Eight Word Induction.
- Learn what the volunteer says about the experience and how it compares to using longer inductions.
- Watch as the standing volunteer exhibits eyelid catalepsy, arm catalepsy, and glove anesthesia.
- Participate along with the class as they practice doing the instant induction.
- Learn the technique difference between doing the Eight Word Induction standing or reclining.
- Discussion with the class after they practiced doing the Eight Word Induction.
- Discussion of other instant inductions appropriate for professional hypnosis sessions.
- Learn how to keep the element of surprise in each use of the induction in a series of sessions.
- Recommendation for all certified 5-PATHers to join the private group for grads.
- Case study of working with the "Barking Girl" in which you will learn a unique series of techniques for working with children.
- Case study of working with the "Blind Boy" in which a teenage boy recovered from psychosomatic blindness by going through the 5-PATH® process.
- Summary of the course and the power ofwhat we can do with 5-PATH®.