Join Our 7th Path Self-Hypnosis Practitioners' Online Community
After you have learned to use the 7th Path Self-Hypnosis® a Holistic, Mind-Body-Spirit System of self-improvement, you will want to get to know other people who have also discovered this powerful set of techniques. This is why we have created our 7th Path Online Community.

If you have email, and are a 7th Path Practitioner, you can receive ongoing support by belong to a Community of like-minded people. Belonging to this Community is free.
You can share your experiences, ask questions, and receive other kinds of support including information about Advanced Techniques.
It is a great place to learn more about this powerful system from experienced practitioners and 7th Path hypnotists! You can ask questions about the Recognitions (Delta Thoughts) that you already have or learn more about Advanced Techniques that you have not yet learned.
It is also a community of people across the USA and around the world, who have stories to tell about how these techniques have helped them to overcome obstacles and issues their lives.
Here is how it works. Just contact us AND Note: To authenticate that you are indeed a practitioner, just email your request to be included in the list and type in the recognitions that you have learned so far (or, at least the first two). Then we will enter you into the list and you will receive an email in a day or so, inviting you to join in on our community. If you do not enter the Recognitions you will not be able to join the community.
After that you will be on the list, and whenever someone writes to the list, everyone on it, gets the message! You can add to the flow of inspiring thoughts and information, or just sit back and learn. You never have to write to the list and you can unsubscribe at any time automatically.
If you have questions about our 7th Path online community, you can use the same email address to ask us about the list before you decide to join in.
Echoes, Insights and Inspiration From Those On
The 7th Path Self-Hypnosis(R) System
Click here to go to this new section of the web site where 7th Path Practitioners share their experiences on the Path. Learn about how this Mind-Body-Sprit System of Self-Hypnosis works, explained by those that use it every day. Learn about how it has changed lives and healed old wounds.
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